Remembering a great friend.

Terry Michael Schneider - August 6, 1944 to May 14, 2008.

Today is August 6.

A lot of things have happened on this day in history. In 1890, Cy Young pitched and won his 1st major league baseball game. In 1945, the US dropped an atomic bomb on Hiroshima, Japan, helping speed an end to WWII.

I've read about those things, but on August 6, 1944, Terry Michael Schneider was born in Knox County, Tennessee and many years later became my friend. Terry was one of those people who seemed to know something about almost everything. But not in a know-it-all kind of way. He just knew a lot! It was amazing how he could remember just about any bit of trivia. So much so that we joked about him being a "cornucopia of useless knowledge".

In this stream we call life, there are people who flow through and then move out of our lives. Once and awhile, there are those people who "lodge" in our lives and stay around. I am blessed that Terry was one of those who lodged in my life. We had many "excellent adventures" together. And I learned much from him.
I know that even now, he is there in heaven collecting tidbits of information that he will share with us once we are reunited in that glorious place!

I miss you, my friend, and look forward to the day when we meet again in that place where separation never comes, and we can spend eternity worshiping the One who died for all.

1 comment:

Holly said...

sad tears for the fact that he is no longer with us and happy tears for where he is right now are streaming down my face.
What an amazing legacy he is.